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Media Timeline On A Friday:

Where I first started in media, could be improved by a lot.

Possessed: A Film In Shots

This is better than my previous project but there's a watermark. (Never use movavi).

Breaking bad Final Scene Analyzation

This film was bit too long but i am still somewhat proud of this.

Missing: Shot Reverse Shot

Apart from breaking the 180 degree rule, this film can be considered all right apart from actors. NExt time i should remind the actors to memorize their lines to avoid a situation like this happening again.

Apple AD:

Collaboration with Aaron wan, music could have been better and the final shot could have been improved by a lot. 

Outside:Silent Sound video

Sound exercise that I did, I put some sounds over a silent video. The story is of a mother who hears her communist son playing sounds of war outside harassing others..

Music Video Analysis: Bastille- Pompeii

A short analysis of the music video for the song Bastille-Pompeii. 

KGv Film Guide

A short guide on the 10 things any KGV media student should never do.

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